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Sponsor a Swarm

Sponsor a Swarm

PriceFrom $5.00

We love honey bees! But it takes a lot of effort, sweat, time, and A LOT of equipment to keep them happy and safe. 


Consider this a tip jar to support our efforts of rehoming swarms, it all goes back to the bees. Last year we took in over 30 swarms, it was crazy, and we ran out of equipment! 


Below are just a few of the things to take into consideration about rehoming swarms.

  • equipment - it takes a lot  of bits and bobs to keep them comfortable: bottoms boards, hive bodies/boxes, foundation, frames, inner covers, outer/top covers,  it all adds up to approximately $200-300 per colony 
  • time and gas - we do a lot of driving, to get them sometimes more than one trip,  taking them  home or out one of the out yards, and false alarms - plenty of times we get there and someone else gotten them, the bees moved on, or they aren't honey bees
  • space-  in our home apiary or in one of our out yards (again lots of traveling)
  • ongoing care - sugar for syrup in the fall - we can go through 100's of pounds of sugar, stealing resources from our other production hives ( be it brood or honey) to boost the new colony, a new queen if she was lost or injured during the swarm removal, and more equipment as they grow
  • wear and tear- on our bodies, vehicles, and equipment 


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All photos and videos on this website are the property of Chesapeake Queen Co and are not to be copied or used without written permission.

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